Charizmatiškoji Renginių organizavimo profesionalė ir vedėja - Dovilė

Turinti begalę patirties renginių organizavimo ir vedimo srityje, Dovilė pasirūpins, kad kiekviena šventė būtų nepakartojama. Jos vėjūkiška asmenybė ne tik pagyvins ir atgaivins Jūsų šventę, bet ir leis pasijusti tarsi ją pažįstate visą gyvenimą.

A canopy with ornate drapes and floral arrangements at the entrance. The interior features carpeted flooring with intricate patterns, leading to an event space where people are gathered. The canopy is adorned with lush greenery and pink flowers, creating an elegant and welcoming atmosphere.
A canopy with ornate drapes and floral arrangements at the entrance. The interior features carpeted flooring with intricate patterns, leading to an event space where people are gathered. The canopy is adorned with lush greenery and pink flowers, creating an elegant and welcoming atmosphere.

Mūsų jaunatviškasis DJ - Ignas, kurio muzika verčia iš kojų!

You didn’t come this far to stop

black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Puikus renginys! Jūsų komanda padėjo mums atsipalaiduoti ir mėgautis švente be rūpesčių.

Laura K.

An outdoor setting is arranged for a formal event, with two columns framing red and white floral arrangements. Rows of white chairs are set up facing a small fountain and a body of water, surrounded by lush trees draped with Spanish moss.
An outdoor setting is arranged for a formal event, with two columns framing red and white floral arrangements. Rows of white chairs are set up facing a small fountain and a body of water, surrounded by lush trees draped with Spanish moss.

Ačiū už nuostabią patirtį! Viskas buvo organizuota profesionaliai, o atmosfera - nuostabi.

Tomas P.

An outdoor seating arrangement with a long table set for an event. The table is elegantly decorated with white tablecloths, floral centerpieces, and wine glasses. Wooden chairs with intricate designs surround the table. The background includes a pavilion structure with columns and a tiled roof, surrounded by greenery.
An outdoor seating arrangement with a long table set for an event. The table is elegantly decorated with white tablecloths, floral centerpieces, and wine glasses. Wooden chairs with intricate designs surround the table. The background includes a pavilion structure with columns and a tiled roof, surrounded by greenery.